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Asociația P.A.V.E.L. anunță rezultatele proiectului “Centrul de Servicii și Resurse P.A.V.E.L. – Sprijin pentru copiii și tinerii cu diagnostic oncologic”

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Asociația P.A.V.E.L. – asociația părinților care au copii bolnavi de cancer, a derulat pe o perioadă de 10 luni începând cu 01.08.2023 proiectul de ajutor social “Centrul de Servicii și Resurse P.A.V.E.L. – Sprijin pentru copiii și tinerii cu diagnostic oncologic” finanțat de către Compania Națională “Loteria Română” S.A cu suma de 40.000 lei. Resursele financiare primite de la Compania Națională “Loteria Română” S.A au suplimentat efortul constant al specialiștilor P.A.V.E.L. din ultimii 28 de ani, pentru sprijinirea copiilor și a tinerilor cu diagnostic oncologic, precum și a părinții lor.

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"Macii Roșii - Sărbătoarea verii la Asociația P.A.V.E.L." - 5 iulie 2024

 Afis Macii Rosii

Dragi prieteni și colaboratori!

În prima săptămână a lunii iulie, tradiționalul eveniment de suflet al Asociației P.A.V.E.L. - "Macii Roșii - Sărbătoarea verii" va fi organizat de noi și de partenerii noștri pentru copiii, părinții și adulții internați în Institutul Oncologic ”Prof. Dr. Alex. Trestioreanu” București.  Evenimentul va avea loc în curtea Institutului Oncologic București, în data de 5 iulie 2024, în intervalul  orar 17.00 - 21.00, și va include momente artistice pentru copii, părinți și adulți, ateliere de relaxare și divertisment, vom avea preparate culinare delicioase, sucuri naturale și multe alte surprize.

Invitaţii speciali ai evenimentului sunt copiii cu diagnostic oncologic şi părinţii acestora, aflaţi în evidența Institutului Oncologic "Prof. Dr. Alex. Trestioreanu" şi a Institutului Clinic Fundeni.

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Asociația P.A.V.E.L. anunță încheierea cu succes a proiectului „Acces la servicii sociale integrate pentru copiii cu cancer”


Asociația P.A.V.E.L. anunță încheierea cu succes a proiectului

Acces la servicii sociale integrate pentru copiii cu cancer”

București, 30 ianuarie 2024 - Asociația P.A.V.E.L. – asociația părinților care au copii bolnavi de cancer, a derulat în cursul anului 2023, cu sprijin financiar din partea Fundației United Way România, al patrulea an al proiectului „Acces la servicii sociale integrate pentru copiii cu cancer”. Scopul proiectului a fost creșterea speranței de viață a pacienților cu cancer, copii și tineri, prin informare și prin oferirea unor servicii complexe socio-psiho-educaționale, complementare celor medicale. Accesibilitatea la serviciile medicale de bază a crescut, iar pacienții și însoțitorii lor și-au îmbunătățit capacitatea psihoemoțională de a face față bolii și problemelor pe care aceasta le implică.

Beneficiarii acestui proiect au fost 747 copii şi tineri diagnosticaţi cu o afecțiune oncologică, cu vârste cuprinse între 0 și 26 ani, pacienţi ai Institutului Oncologic „Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu” Bucureşti şi ai Institutului Clinic Fundeni (secţiile de oncopediatrie și hematologie pediatrică).

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The School in the Hospital- The School for all

The P.A.V.E.L.  Association – the association of parents with children suffering from childhood cancer, has started a new educational project in September, the month that marks the beginning of the school year. “The School in The Hospital – The School for All”, a project supported by Societe Generale Global Solution Centre, part of the "We Care Together" funding programme, has a duration of 10 months and aims to prevent school dropout and to support these children continue some form of learning, depending on the level of education, talents and abilities of each beneficiary.

The specific objectives of the project are:
    Ensuring access to education during hospitalization for 200 children and adolescents in 3 oncology clinics in Bucharest
    Facilitating social and educational reintegration for 200 children/adolescents which will continue/resume the educational process at home (online)
    Motivating and involving 200 parents/carers in the continual process of education of SEN children and adolescents

The main activities which are currently implemented within the project are: training a team of specialists; recruiting and involving volunteers who will partake remotely (online) in educational activities; developing evaluation instruments (for both the initial stage and for progress) and a work methodology; offering educational and vocational counselling and guidance for both children and their families; offering additional learning assistance and support in the relationship with other educational institutions/structures/organizations; unfolding elementary educational sessions, play therapy, occupational therapy for preschool aged children; educational sessions/workshops for pupils in primary, middle and high school, covering a wide range of subjects and organizing educational sessions using modern technologies. Besides these activities, the project team is also currently working on developing and operating a non-formal educational platform for SEN middle and high school pupils.                           

Apart from the varied range of activities designed for children, parents/ carers are constantly assisted as well, through counselling services and dedicated support groups. All these activities are carried on either through direct contact or online means of communication, like “The School for Parents” community. The constant need for information and for guidance is also ensured with the “Portraits” (Portrete) electronic magazine, periodically published and distributed to both parents/carers and professors.

Up to this moment, after only 5 months of implementation, more than 100 children registered in “The School in the Hospital - The School for all” project are assisted in their educational and psychological needs through a wide range of activities. 4,830 de educational sessions were already implemented, out of which:
    420 sessions implemented for pre-school children
    781 educational activities were unfolded for primary school pupils who were helped to keep up with school requirements on various disciplines, including foreign languages;
    1,821 activities were dedicated to gymnasium pupils who were helped to find out about or better understand various compulsory notions from the school curriculum related to Romanian (native language), foreign languages, social, civic education, history, geography of informatics;
    1,699 sessions were implemented for high school children who were supported in learning Romanian (native language), foreign languages or socio-human disciplines (logics, psychology or sociology), history, geography or economics;
    109 psychological counselling sessions were already finalized for beneficiaries registered in the project.

At the end of “The School in The Hospital – The School for All” program, the project team aims to: achieve educational progress for 200 direct beneficiaries (children and adolescents); develop educational skills for 200 parents/carers; increase experience for the team of teachers and educators (the specialists working with SEN children); increase interest for volunteers and involve them in educational activities like financial education, language learning, computer skills; develop an educational platform with resources for pupils, teachers and; help children gain competencies for independent living; help them and their parents/ carers learn better to use modern technology and assist them in overcoming the difficulties caused by long periods of inactivity in the hospital or at home.

“The School in The Hospital – The School for All” project is funded through We Care Together, the first financing program launched by Societe Generale Global Solution Centre for supporting projects developed for “professional integration” and “education” by non-governmental organizations in Romania, projects designed for supporting vulnerable groups increase chances for a better life and social inclusion.

 About P.A.V.E.L. Association

The P.A.V.E.L. association is for sure of the most active association for patients in Romania. It was founded in 1996 and it is a non-profit organization, apolitical and without religious affiliation. The association offers socio-psycho support services for children affected by childhood cancer and their families: social, legal and psychological assistance, therapy though combined arts, multisensorial therapy, adapted education support in the hospital and at home, humanitarian aid for emergencies, free housing, trips, special events for children, such as birthdays and holidays, awareness campaigns etc.

 About Societe Generale Global Solution Centre:

In Romania, Societe Generale European Business Services (now, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre) was founded in 2011 as a service center for the Societe Generale Group. The company provides high-quality professional services in various fields of activity to Group entities around the world (finance & accounting, human resources, IT, Know Your Customer, compliance and Business Advisory Unit).
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre means performance, innovation and the best professionals. Now Societe Generale Global Solution Centre is a service center for many Group entities, serving 35 countries for all of Societe Generale’s major business lines.
In 2016, SG GSC received the award of excellence for the fastest growth within the Romanian Outsourcing Awards; in 2018 it received the “SCC Company of the Year” at the Romanian Outsourcing and Share Services Award Gala; in 2019 it received the “Employer of the Year” and “CSR Initiative of the Year” at the Business Service Forum, organized by Outsourcing Today. In 2020, at the ABSL Awards Gala, AG SG GSC was awarded the 1st “Business Leader” award, in the CSR category and the 3rd place in the Health category of the Romanian CSR Awards, for the “BI Elias” Project.

Mihai Benchea - Project Manager and Hospital School Teacher

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- directionand pana la 3,5 % din impozitul pe venit catre Asociatia P.A.V.E.L. (cu FORMULAR 230) pana la 25 mai 2024.
- directionand 20% din impozitul pe profit al unei companiei, impozit pe care il datoreaza Statului catre Asociatia P.A.V.E.L. (prin CONTRACT DE SPONSORIZARE)
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Directionarea a 20% din impozitul pe profit

Directionarea a 20% din impozitul pe profit se face prin CONTRACT DE SPONSORIZARE intre companie si Asociatia P.A.V.E.L., pentru a sustine proiectele sau programele Asociatiei P.A.V.E.L. sau un copil sau tanar bolnav de cancer.
1. Nu va costa nimic.
2. Companiile detin controlul fondurilor, transparenta.
3. Companiile pot influenta gestionarea fondurilor.
Ajutati Asociatia P.A.V.E.L. semnand un contract de sponsorizare trimestrial si astfel directionati 20% din impozitul pe profit datorat Statului catre copiii bolnavi de cancer din România.
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Centru de Resurse si Servicii P.A.V.E.L.

Centrul de Resurse si Servicii P.A.V.E.L. a fost infiintat in anul 2007.

Obiectivul Centrului de Resurse si Servicii PAVEL il constituie ajutarea familiilor cu copii bolnavi de cancer, leucemie sau anemii grave, prin oferirea gratuita de servicii de informare, suport si consiliere psiho-sociala, terapie prin joc si arta, kinetoterapie si terapie Snoezellen, gazduirea gratuita a unui parinte cu sau fara copil - in perioada de tratament a copilului in Bucuresti, TelVerde (Cancer Helpline 0 800 800 421), organizarea de evenimente pentru copii si tineri in si in afara spitalelor,..

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