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Asociația P.A.V.E.L. anunță rezultatele proiectului “Centrul de Servicii și Resurse P.A.V.E.L. – Sprijin pentru copiii și tinerii cu diagnostic oncologic”

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Asociația P.A.V.E.L. – asociația părinților care au copii bolnavi de cancer, a derulat pe o perioadă de 10 luni începând cu 01.08.2023 proiectul de ajutor social “Centrul de Servicii și Resurse P.A.V.E.L. – Sprijin pentru copiii și tinerii cu diagnostic oncologic” finanțat de către Compania Națională “Loteria Română” S.A cu suma de 40.000 lei. Resursele financiare primite de la Compania Națională “Loteria Română” S.A au suplimentat efortul constant al specialiștilor P.A.V.E.L. din ultimii 28 de ani, pentru sprijinirea copiilor și a tinerilor cu diagnostic oncologic, precum și a părinții lor.

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"Macii Roșii - Sărbătoarea verii la Asociația P.A.V.E.L." - 5 iulie 2024

 Afis Macii Rosii

Dragi prieteni și colaboratori!

În prima săptămână a lunii iulie, tradiționalul eveniment de suflet al Asociației P.A.V.E.L. - "Macii Roșii - Sărbătoarea verii" va fi organizat de noi și de partenerii noștri pentru copiii, părinții și adulții internați în Institutul Oncologic ”Prof. Dr. Alex. Trestioreanu” București.  Evenimentul va avea loc în curtea Institutului Oncologic București, în data de 5 iulie 2024, în intervalul  orar 17.00 - 21.00, și va include momente artistice pentru copii, părinți și adulți, ateliere de relaxare și divertisment, vom avea preparate culinare delicioase, sucuri naturale și multe alte surprize.

Invitaţii speciali ai evenimentului sunt copiii cu diagnostic oncologic şi părinţii acestora, aflaţi în evidența Institutului Oncologic "Prof. Dr. Alex. Trestioreanu" şi a Institutului Clinic Fundeni.

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Asociația P.A.V.E.L. anunță încheierea cu succes a proiectului „Acces la servicii sociale integrate pentru copiii cu cancer”


Asociația P.A.V.E.L. anunță încheierea cu succes a proiectului

Acces la servicii sociale integrate pentru copiii cu cancer”

București, 30 ianuarie 2024 - Asociația P.A.V.E.L. – asociația părinților care au copii bolnavi de cancer, a derulat în cursul anului 2023, cu sprijin financiar din partea Fundației United Way România, al patrulea an al proiectului „Acces la servicii sociale integrate pentru copiii cu cancer”. Scopul proiectului a fost creșterea speranței de viață a pacienților cu cancer, copii și tineri, prin informare și prin oferirea unor servicii complexe socio-psiho-educaționale, complementare celor medicale. Accesibilitatea la serviciile medicale de bază a crescut, iar pacienții și însoțitorii lor și-au îmbunătățit capacitatea psihoemoțională de a face față bolii și problemelor pe care aceasta le implică.

Beneficiarii acestui proiect au fost 747 copii şi tineri diagnosticaţi cu o afecțiune oncologică, cu vârste cuprinse între 0 și 26 ani, pacienţi ai Institutului Oncologic „Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu” Bucureşti şi ai Institutului Clinic Fundeni (secţiile de oncopediatrie și hematologie pediatrică).

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The education for sick children and young people in the hospital is quite restrictive. The law in force is mentioning the formation of classes for 10 children or adolescents who are hospitalized at least  for 4 consecutive weeks. In addition, the public system can’t screen or process in the short-term the economic, educational and cultural situation of the considerable numbers of children with various oncology and haematological sicknesses, based on individual needs.
Due to the children or teenagers traumas, their identity and personal development is seriously damaged. Various problems meet also in these inter-cultural spaces: age, education and social needs. This is why the beneficiaries, children or teenagers and their families, must be encouraged to be socially active and to be involved in the community life development by education relationships, inter-cultural and social contacts. The fact that they are encouraged to express their social and medical patterns makes them more independent, opened and more confident in their future.

The Association P.A.V.E.L., through this program is planning to create an oasis of education where can be organised a special program of education for the children in hospital for mid and long term, providing also support for parents or tutors in the personal development process.

The main goal of the educational initiative is to avoid the long break in the education process for all children enrolled in the public schools and forced to interrupted it. The project team will organise sessions, classes for elementary school, secondary and high school level, including also specific activities for preschool age level and literacy.

The Educational Centre provides the following activities:
- informal and formal education for children and teenagers (pre-school, primary school, secondary and high school level)
- training families and volunteers in the field of education
- socialization and cultural activities with children, teenagers and parents/tutors
- networking with hospital schools and educational centres around Europe in order to adapt new education tool and methods
- public awareness (promoting the right of education and social inclusion of sick children and teenagers in Romania)
- promoting the concept of “hospital school” in Romanian  society

The aim of the program is to promote the educational rights and needs trough the education centre at Oncology Institute and Paediatric Clinic of Fundeni Institute, a program launched and directed by The Association P.A.V.E.L.

The program will also contribute to:
- increase access of those children, teenagers and their families to social life, freedom to express their need and desires;
- strengthen the response of the civil society to a challenge offered by an activity that is still new in Romania: pedagogic and psychological assistance of the children, teenagers and their families ;
- supporting the capacity building for the education centres in children hospitals in order to be able to provide effective and long-term solutions addressing to this vulnerable categories in the process of education growth.
The Association P.A.V.E.L. is planning to involve step by step all authorities in the field of education and in the field of the health care system, also the families or foster families/communities, all those who will enjoy our efforts to facilitate the formation of those children or teenagers for a better life, for a better future, why not for the personal autonomy.

The specific objectives of program:
- Access of all children by 5 and 26 years old at any basic education activities during of their hospitalisation
- Awareness of families and medical staff about the role of education on personal development of children and teenagers, mentally and physically
- Preparation of all children and teenagers to restart the education process in the system of public education after the hospitalisation period

Operational Objectives:
- To develop and strengthen education skills of children and teenagers with the help of education project/program implemented in hospitals
- To train teachers, educators and volunteers to work professionally with the children and teenagers with medical conditions (cancer, leukaemia or anaemia, blood chronic diseases
- To promote the tight of education of sick children and teenagers and make aware the public opinion about hospital school in relation with social inclusion.
- The Education Centre will provide  permanent education during of the entire project to 250 children and teenagers and will facilitate the training of  20 hospital educators and hospital teachers from Bucharest

Main Activities:
- Preparing and providing lessons according to level education and physical capacity  of each child/teenager
- Training for teachers, educators and volunteers working in hospital school projects
- Psychosocial guidance for children, teenagers and parents
- Educational contests  for sick children and teenagers !
- Public awareness related to rights of education and social inclusion of sick children and teenagers – creating a website on the hospital school
- Contacts and experience exchanges in the frame of European network of hospital pedagogues and educators

Results expected:
- About 250 children and teenagers attend educational activities in hospital
- 250 families will be more responsible for the education of their children, more than 98% of beneficiaries will be able to continue the school in public system after hospitalisation
- 250 children and teenagers will be able to receive education according to their age, level of education, personal desire and capacities
- Providing professional training for 20 hospital educators and teachers in the project as future specialists
- Production of 500 pieces of leaflets, poster ands brochures for the large public, policy maskers and education environments
- Promoting educational materials, tools, education materials on the specific websites available to for sick, sick children, teenagers, volunteers about hospital school and permanent education in the hospitals
- Organising 2 contests for 40 children and teenagers in order to promote their talents, availability to learn and capacities to be competitive
- Affiliation of the Romanian hospital teachers and educators to European networks regarding new opportunities to share methods, good practices and experience in the field

Hospital school project started in 2012.
Since then the program developed very much, more teachers joined our initial team, as employee or volunteers; many children succeeded to finish very well the school year. Some of them succeeded to go further to universities.
In November 2014, Association P.A.V.E.L. organized for the first time in Romania, the HOPE European Congress, which was a success!

Hospital School

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- directionand 20% din impozitul pe profit al unei companiei, impozit pe care il datoreaza Statului catre Asociatia P.A.V.E.L. (prin CONTRACT DE SPONSORIZARE)
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Directionarea a 20% din impozitul pe profit

Directionarea a 20% din impozitul pe profit se face prin CONTRACT DE SPONSORIZARE intre companie si Asociatia P.A.V.E.L., pentru a sustine proiectele sau programele Asociatiei P.A.V.E.L. sau un copil sau tanar bolnav de cancer.
1. Nu va costa nimic.
2. Companiile detin controlul fondurilor, transparenta.
3. Companiile pot influenta gestionarea fondurilor.
Ajutati Asociatia P.A.V.E.L. semnand un contract de sponsorizare trimestrial si astfel directionati 20% din impozitul pe profit datorat Statului catre copiii bolnavi de cancer din România.
Puteti decide cum pot fi investiti banii d-voastra! Puteti face diferenta! Aveti un cuvant de spus!

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Centru de Resurse si Servicii P.A.V.E.L.

Centrul de Resurse si Servicii P.A.V.E.L. a fost infiintat in anul 2007.

Obiectivul Centrului de Resurse si Servicii PAVEL il constituie ajutarea familiilor cu copii bolnavi de cancer, leucemie sau anemii grave, prin oferirea gratuita de servicii de informare, suport si consiliere psiho-sociala, terapie prin joc si arta, kinetoterapie si terapie Snoezellen, gazduirea gratuita a unui parinte cu sau fara copil - in perioada de tratament a copilului in Bucuresti, TelVerde (Cancer Helpline 0 800 800 421), organizarea de evenimente pentru copii si tineri in si in afara spitalelor,..

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